Fiction Books

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Showing results: 111-120 of 1069
Forest Friends

Forest Friends

Royal Dixon | Fiction
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It was a beautiful evening in the forest, and under the moonlight there was a great gathering of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elephant, and the Kangaroos, the Foxes, and the handsome Leopards, even sprightly little Miss Lynx, and a number of the aristocratic jungle Deer were seated, all in a great...

Mr. Keegan's Elopement

Mr. Keegan's Elopement

Winston Churchill | Fiction
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THE northeast wind was very fresh that morning, and drove the seas before it briskly; but the Denver went at each of them in her bulldog fashion, and buried her white nose in them, and showered the crests of those which were specially boisterous in glistening spray over her forecastle.

The Yellow Hunter

The Yellow Hunter

T. C. Harbaugh | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The bloody deed was committed in the forest of the Illinois, not far from Cahokia, on the Mississippi, and when the base-hearted Kaskaskia fled to his clansmen, with reeking hatchet, they sided with him, and, without a word in palliation of the crime, drove Pontiac’s followers from the hamlet.

Gerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real Life

Gerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real Life

J. E. C. Welldon | Fiction
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At last the train, looking desolate when it had discharged its freight of youthful humanity, moved on;[3] the platform on which the boys of St. Anselm’s had alighted was deserted once more, and the two fathers and their sons, who had watched the scene with unmistakable amusement and interest...

The Bridal Wreath

The Bridal Wreath

Sigrid Undset | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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WHEN the lands and goods of Ivar Gjesling the younger, of Sundbu, were divided after his death in 1306, his lands in Sil of Gudbrandsdal fell to his daughter Ragnfrid and her husband Lavrans Björgulfsön. Up to then they had lived on Lavrans’ manor of Skog at Follo near Oslo; but now they moved...

The Rover Boys Shipwrecked

The Rover Boys Shipwrecked

Arthur M. Winfield | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The command came from Major Jack Rover. The scene was the campus of Colby Hall Military Academy, and drawn up in front of the youthful major were the three companies of cadets. It was a clear day in November and the boys made an inspiring appearance in their well fitting uniforms. Every rifle was...

The Motor Rangers on Blue Water

The Motor Rangers on Blue Water

Marvin West | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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A party of horsemen, riding in single file, was making its way down the steep, rugged trail leading from the interior to Santa Inez. Although they had not as yet glimpsed the little mission town, which was their destination, the blue, sparkling glint of the Pacific had, for some time, been visible...

Hilda Strafford: A California Story

Hilda Strafford: A California Story

Beatrice Harraden | Fiction
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Robert Strafford glanced around at the isolated spot which he had chosen for his ranch, and was seized with more terrible misgivings than had ever before overwhelmed him in moments of doubt.

Mr. Carteret and Others

Mr. Carteret and Others

David Gray | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Mrs. Ascott-Smith turned to Mr. Carteret. She had been listening to Lord Frederic Westcote, who had just come down from town where he had seen the Wild West show. “Is it so?” she asked. “Have you ever seen them?” By “them” she meant the Indians.

The Foundling of the Wreck

The Foundling of the Wreck

Anonymous | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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If our young readers will take a map of Europe, and look to the west, they will see a broad wide sea called the Baltic, stretching northward and separating the countries of Norway and Sweden from Russia. To the east of this sea is a gulf, called the Gulf of Finland, and at the extremity of that...