The Way to a Wealthy Life by Brian Beshore - HTML preview

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4. Chapter Four; Right Action (Step 2)

Another misconception in this area of work is that people fail to realize that they will be required to take action.
Before you go running off to take action, however, there are a couple of things that you need to be clear on.
If you will recall, the object of step 1, from the previous chapter, is to impress upon your subconscious mind a clear picture of your desire. And what is the outcome of this?
Your subconscious will begin to ‘speak’ to you.
You may think this sounds real voodoo, but Napoleon Hill relates, in his book, of how scientific geniuses like Edison and Tesla kept notebooks handy to quickly jot down ideas as they ‘came.’
Beethoven kept notebooks nearby. The muse doesn’t punch a time clock, you have to be ready and listening.
Keep a notebook, then, and write down the ideas that come to you. Don’t work hard at this trying to ‘come up’ with ideas. Let them come to you.
People and events will synchronously appear to you as opportunities to take action.
Needed information will be acquired.
This, then, is ‘right action;’ taking action on the ideas that your subconscious mind brings you.
Get into the habit of asking your subconscious mind for help.
Ask your subconscious mind for ideas that will create wealth for you and enrich your life.