Become More Productive and Successful at Work by Rough Guider - HTML preview

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In this book, I have put a list of ways to become more productive together. The list reflects the experiences I have gained in the work environment over the last 25 years.

You should of course feel free to learn, ignore and challenge the wide range of suggestions that I have put before you. Every work environment is different, and every person has a different set of pressures exerted upon them at work and by themselves. As a result, I ask you to think carefully about which recommendations would be most impactful for you. I desire positive outcomes for each and every one of you!

Efficiency versus effectiveness

It is important that you understand the difference between these two terms. In my mind efficiency is doing something as fast as possible without making mistakes. For instance, you build a quality ladder as fast as possible, using the right tools, right materials and right workforce. Effectiveness is doing the right thing, also as fast as possible, without making mistakes. Let's take the example further. Once you have completed the ladder you remember that you need to use it in the garden to pick apples. However, you have assembled it in your upstairs bedroom. As a result, you will now have to dismantle it and start again outside. You can see that you may have been efficient in terms of the speed by which you put the ladder together, but because you didn't plan the activity properly, you were ineffective in achieving your ultimate goal of having the ladder completed in the right place at the right time.

This is a very simple example, but when applied to the workplace, it is surprisingly common how often individuals are being efficient but to one extent or another ineffective.

Therefore, the first and most important learning is to understand why you are doing what you have been asked to do. Once you have completed your task ask yourself whether you have achieved the goal that was set. Indeed, is there a more effective way of achieving your goal? Challenge yourself to visualize the final product of your task and double check that the outcome is the desired one.

Below you will find the list. Everyone will have their own view on the relative order (and of productivity ideas I've missed altogether) so please accept this as my humble and personal view.

1. Know your job

Without doubt, there is no substitute for learning your role inside out. Therefore you should invest time to ensure you fully understand your role, the key tasks, how your performance is measured, how your work impacts others and how your output is us