Managing Business Through Human Psychology - “A Handbook for Entrepreneur” by Ashish Bhagoria - HTML preview

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Understanding Humans and their Mind

The human mind is divided into two parts conscious and the subconscious mind. Conscious mind is the part of the brain which does the speculations, the reasoning and takes care of the logical things. This part of the mind is awake and deals with the situations around. The subconscious mind is the part of brain where the data is stored and it deals with our emotions, feelings and expressions. In our day to day life, we come across many situations which we forget. However, it’s not so that these are completely erased from our mind.

Everything that we experience in our life is stored in our subconscious mind. All the events and happenings that have occurred in our life whether good or bad are stored in our subconscious mind. If we take up any book on psychology or human behavior, we learn that there are things called Events. Events are the happenings; for example writing this book is an event. An occurrence of anything is an event. Whenever an event occurs there is an outcome and this outcome or reaction is called feedback. Similarly, when we are talking or dealing with someone it’s an event and the outcome or the reaction to it is called a feedback. If we can understand this, it would be very simple for us to deal with people. Every moment an event is happening and there will be a feedback. Now if we want a particular type of feedback or reaction from an event in that case we need to be very particular about creating the right event.

When we start a business we have to go through different processes and in the entire business life cycle we have to deal with many people. Entrepreneurs first, have to interact with people of the internal organization – their team, secondly, people from external agencies and third with their customers or the clients for whom they offer services or sell products. These all groups are the professional contacts. Finally, there are people who don’t come under any of the above said categories. They are neither members of our internal team nor are they external agencies with whom we deal. More so, they are not also the customers who use our products or services. They are people known to us, whom we meet but are not in any way related to the business at present and are not also our professional contacts. They could be anyone, our friends, family or other entrepreneurs from different industry, who in future may become our internal team, external agency or our customer. So as an entrepreneur we have to deal with all types of people.

To run a successful business we should never consider anyone as a friend or enemy. We have to deal with every one with a neutral approach and should not be prejudiced, even if that person is causing harm or loss to our organization and even if we do not want to deal with him any further. There is always a leeway of future association with them under different circumstances. Again if we go back to our previous conversation of Event and Feedback, we can relate and understand why we treat a particular individual as our friend or foe, it is because of an event. An event makes a friend and an event makes an enemy. So just to reiterate, every moment is an event and there is a feedback attached to it.