Be a Tiptop Server by J. D. Marshall - HTML preview

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 Why another guide on tipping?


There are many different articles, books, ebooks and training guides on tipping. Some are free some are not, some of them are very good and some are just downright ridiculous. So why another one?

To cut through the fat and get right to the meat. You want to know how it works and why it works. You don’t want to read my brags and boasts, you don’t want to wear silly clown noses or 30 different pins that weigh you down and may fall off into someone’s food not to mention having to replace them on your uniform every time you wash and iron your uniform.

These are tried, perfected and true tips used by professional servers around the country and in every type of restaurant you can imagine.

Will they all work for you? Possibly, but not all these tips work for every one and not in some restaurants or with some guests. But if you practice each of them until they are a habit and not forced, you will be able to determine which ones work the best for you.

Practice makes perfect!