Books That Make You Smarter

July 14, 2016

It doesn't matter if you can't follow along, just holding these will make you look pretty darn smart. Teasing; these books will certainly expand your mental horizons explaining many crucial aspects of our lives and world.  And while some are older, they've been chosen as they're still cornerstones in their fields. 

1 The Einstein Theory of Relativity

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

Hendrik Antoon Lorentz | Science (Academic)


Whether it is true or not that not more than twelve persons in all the world are able to understand Einstein's Theory, it is nevertheless a fact that there is a constant demand for information about this much-debated topic of relativity. The books published on the subject are so technical that only a person trained in pure physics and higher mathematics is able to fully understand them. In order to make a popular explanation of this far-reaching theory available, the present book is published.

2 A Cultural Paradox Fun in Mathematics

A Cultural Paradox Fun in Mathematics

Jeffrey A. Zilahy | Science


This eBook is ideal for students who need a little push to get motivated, and is also great for scientists and those in the math community who like to stay abreast on relevant and current topics. Perfect as supportive text to any science course or class. Download it today!

3 On the Origin of Species

On the Origin of Species

Charles Darwin | Science (Academic)


This work was famed naturalist, Charles Darwin's first mature and persuasive work to explain how species change through the development and process of natural selection. Download this FREE eBook, and learn how today!

4 The Wealth of Nations

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith | Economics (Academic)


Recognized as a landmark of human thought as the first scientific argument for the principles of political economy, it is the point of departure for all subsequent economic thought. Smith's theories continue to be influential in modern economics.

5 7 Principles to Live a Champion Life

7 Principles to Live a Champion Life

John Di Lemme | Self-Improvement


Sadly most people don't believe they are worthy of living true lifestyle freedom. The principles in this book will reveal how to live a Champion life and unlock your limitless potential. Rid your life of distractions, stress, and worry forever! You are a Champion, and it's time that you believe it! 

6 The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci | Humanities and Arts


Da Vinci notebooks give us access to hundreds of pages of his notes, jottings, sketches, doodles, and musings, including lists of books he read and even scraps of financial records. All of the known Da Vinci papers as of the mid-19th century are included here in this magnificent collection. 

7 All is Mind

All is Mind

David Samuel, The Entrepreneur Monk | Psychology


A practical way to sort out conflicts we experience daily. This book is about understanding the human mind and personality. Why do we do what we know is bad for us yet do not do what we know is good. What the basic nature of the mind is, how it came to be in its current condition and how any defects can be corrected for it to function according to its potential rather than sputter through life.

8 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin | Biography


By Benjamin Franklin. Although the American Founding Father lived 84 years, (1706-1790), his autobiography covers the first 51 years of his life, (1706-1757), reflecting on his life as a printer; an inventor; a scientist; and politician. Includes an introduction by Charles W. Eliot; a time line; and related links.

9 Beyond Good and Evil

Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Nietzsche | Philosophy (Academic)


Nineteenth-century Europe was for him a moral wasteland filled with false altruism, duplicity, double standards, and, worst of all, moral complacency. Nietzsche spoke of innermost thoughts: morality serves the social good, which for him meant fostering the best possible society; one that strives for excellence and abhors the herd mentality. 

10 Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Robert Gates Sr. | Politics


The misconceptions that some have about political parties and their followers, is astounding. This book is filled with information that has already been published in one form or another, but that has been arranged to be presented in a historical manner to show how in the beginning, man escaped slavery (serfdom), only to enter the realm of slavery again under the guise of Socialism. This march toward slavery is relentless.

11 A Continuing Experiment in Love

A Continuing Experiment in Love

Nashid Fareed-Ma'at | Human Rights


In 1958, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. published an article titled: An Experiment in Love. This eBook, uses that article as a framework to present an in-depth overview of Nonviolence and how King’s approach is rooted in the stream of love. In addition, King’s teaching is combined with guidance from Mohandas K. Gandhi. Between these two, we may see how Nonviolence emanates from spiritual traditions that seek to guide us to the realization of humanity’s true purpose: Ultimate Reality itself.