We Are Not Alone by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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As a general guideline for such a person she has given clues.

They are usually sensitive, not just psychically, but also to their environment, for example, they often have difficulty with bright lighting, strong smells, loud noises and even rough clothing’ p. 56.

Gottschall’s article mentions the sensitivity these people experience to any chaotic of intense over stimulation that continue for long periods of time. She states that other indicators are in tending to crave deeper levels of existence and experience the trans personal. Gottschall says this could be because of their experiences that are beyond the mundane levels of existence.

If you identify experiencing several or all of these mentioned traits but have no knowledge of any extraterrestrial encounters it could well be because it has been blocked from your consciousness. That could be by you or by the extraterrestrials. Either way it would be so as not to traumatize you.

ET Implants.

Dr Roger Leir was a podiatry physician and surgeon who has not only taken x-rays of various shaped implants in different parts of people’s body but has also surgically removed some of those he saw. He then had the implants sent off for analysis. His book, Alien Implants (2000. Dell Publishing New York.) with included x-ray photos show evidence of different people with implants. These implants, some found in hands, arms, feet, legs, jaws were shaped like cantaloupe seeds while others were little grayish-white balls. Some were even triangular or T-shaped.

Once each implant was removed from his patient Dr Leir says he used a surgical blade to scrape off the soft tissue from around the implant. This soft tissue was some sort of gray, dense biological membrane composed of the patient’s body surface tissue which stopped any rejection of the implant. Underneath the soft tissue the object had another covering. This was a dark gray membrane that Dr Leir said could not be scraped off or cut through with surgical instruments.

All implants were extracted by surgery on an operating table and the procedures were recorded. Laboratory analysis in some showed different combinations of elements normally found on Earth as well as the trace elements of europium, ruthenium and samarium. Doctor Leir stated ‘These elements can only be manufactured in a laboratory and are not found naturally on earth, which gave us more evidence that the objects were indeed manufactured’ (pp. 138/139).

The question was then: who manufactured these implants and how did they gain access to the bodies of Dr Leir’s patients? Dr Leir suggested people may be having unnecessary operations because of these implants affecting different organs in their body. Reading this information I couldn’t help wondering if perhaps operations throughout my lifetime were because of implants.

Also mentioned by the doctor are the effects these foreign objects have had on his patients. He found, amongst other things, evidence showing unusual reactions to aesthetic; either allergic reactions or some needing heavier doses than are normally required. A craving for salty food and large amounts of table salt was another effect. I don’t remember him speaking about his client’s sensitivity to light or loud noise as previously mentioned by Sheryl Gottschall.

Dr Leir revealed that some, if not all, of his clients had memories of experiencing alien abduction at some stage of their life. It seems reasonable to assume it was during these abduction times that the implants were placed, but why use different shaped implants and embed them into different body parts? Is it because there are different extraterrestrial species inserting different implants or were previous models merely updated?

Another consideration it that not all implants are in the third dimensional physical body. Those that are can be seen by x-ray and removed surgically. However, some implants are in the energy body surrounding and interpenetrating the human frame. They may not have any, or negligible effect on the wearer. On the other hand people suffering recurring complaints where no illness can be found could be affected by these implants in their energy body.

Sheryl Gottschall, previously stated that her research had her conclude there are some humans who have encounter-prone personalities and there could be a very good reason for this. Extraterrestrials are said to be able to continue their research by following members of a family from generation to generation without the constraints of the third dimensional time-lines we humans have. It is also common to have more than one member of a family being monitored.

Several times, when experiencing an out-of-body incident I found myself inside space ships with different beings. At one particular instance I was standing in a horseshoe-shaped area where there were a lot of computers. Sitting on chairs in front of the monitors were little gray beings. Moving over to stand behind one, I tried unsuccessfully to see what was on his screen. Telepathically I asked what he was watching. Without turning or taking his eyes of what he was doing he answered he was watching the controls.

Thinking he meant the controls of the spaceship I was about to say ‘but don’t you have a mainframe computer to do that?’ when I sensed there was something behind and to the left of me. Turning, I saw three grays. One had some sort of a hand weapon pointed at me and my surprise sent me instantly safely back in my physical body.

I don’t believe these extraterrestrials intended to harm me and think they seemed more to want to immobilize me. What is clear though was that they were able to see me in my out-of-physical- body state.

Personal Experience with Implants.

Being an involuntary psychic or what I've been described as being 'open to the universe' brings with it other complexities. As previously mentioned, since childhood there have been visitations from extraterrestrials as well as spirit beings. I also recall several times finding myself with extraterrestrials in an out-of-body state but have no conscious memory of ever being physically abducted.

All visitations and out-of-body experiences have taken place at night or in the early hours of the morning. There is no conscious memory of receiving the implants but now understand some are placed into a person's astral or finer energy body where they can and do have a physical effect on their third dimensional body.

All healing treatments performed on me have been by healers working with my unseen energy body. This is in contrast to Dr Leir's patient’s implants which were surgically taken from areas in the person's physical body.

When referring to 'seeing' and 'non surgical removal' I am not speaking of the familiarity of our sensory world as we understand it. We are using our inner sight, what Eastern philosophies refer to as the third eye said to be centered in a person’s forehead.

I am coming to believe this inner sight has no boundaries or time-frame constraints. Perhaps it is our doorway to the fourth or other multiple dimensions. It is also becoming more obvious to me that these other multiple worlds or dimensions do affect our physical world in different ways. Dr Leir’s case studies are examples of this.

I understand the idea of people being unknowingly impregnated with foreign objects by unidentified species and the removal of these implants, sometimes without surgery, may be daunting to accept. As is the question, why me and how did it happen in the first place? However that doesn’t change the reality of the experience. Nor does the fact that all implants may not be in the physical body but are still affecting the physical body while implanted in the unseen energy body encasing every person's physical body like an eggshell encompasses a yolk.

As previously mentioned, some implants are physical and can be removed by surgery, as Dr Leir has shown. The other implants that would not be apparent on normal x-rays need other modes of treatment to remove them.

I am assuming that some of the implants, being physical, must be inserted at times of physical abductions. The others that I have experienced are no less real but are done in an out-of-body state and are inserted into my energy body. Another question that springs to mind is how many extraterrestrial races do we have interacting with us in our physical reality?

It was during a 1990s consultation with my healer friend John, that my first implant was found. Implants were unknown to me before then. As John was clearing emotional energy blockages he asked if I knew there was an implant in my ear? My thought was it must have been a bug or bead or something terrestrial.

When queried as to what it was John, also psychic, said it was not from this world and was an alien implant. He then explained there are lots of people walking around with these implants who are completely unaware they have them. Some may be recent implants while others could have been implanted into various parts of their body years ago.

John couldn’t see this implant causing me any problems but I still wanted it removed. So, using a non-surgical technique that works on the finer energy body, or aura, he removed the implant and that was the end of that as far as I was concerned - but it wasn’t.

In February 2004 I attended a Theta Healing workshop. I was impressed with the tutor, Sandy Hounsell, and when the workshop ended made an appointment for some energy blockage clearing to be done by her. It was during my first consultation that Sandy found another implant. This time it wasn’t in my ear. Instead it was very close to an area in my upper spine where Sandy said it was impeding the energy flow up and down my back.

Not wanting this one in my body either I asked Sandy to remove it using the theta healing non- surgical technique. This she did and that seemed the end of it but before leaving, I made another appointment with Sandy to have more energy clearing work done.

It was at my second healing session with Sandy that she 'saw' extraterrestrials; two grays had come with me. One of them was in the room with us watching what was happening. The other was outside prowling up and down the hallway.

While Sandy worked on me multiple implants in my body were now able to be seen by her. They were different shapes and were in areas where I had been having ongoing health issues. We assumed from this they must have been implanted for quite some time. My concern was to get rid of them. I didn’t think to ask why they hadn’t been seen before.

As Sandy tried to remove the implants she 'watched' a metal plate sliding into place over them. Somehow the owners of the implants were very much up to date on what was happening and didn’t want them removed. Despite Sandy’s best efforts some of the implants stayed put.

After Sandy's treatment I asked her if I could have a copy of her notes. She kindly agreed.

Sandy’s Theta Healing on Annette 17th February 2004

Alien involvement of her body resulted in body being quite toxic, chemical imbalance. Soul, bodies have become fragmented, lost her way. They played with her body, she was their playground.

Implant found on the back of the neck causing energy blockage. Energy also draining away down the right side.

Two sets of aliens around, small, bluish/grey. Quite 'impish' looking, thinnish. They were very childlike – mischievous. The next set was taller, slightly, bluish -- proverbial large alien eyes. Also childlike -- having fun with her body.

Two beings – warm, lovely silver blue gowns, wide square shoulders, bright light around their head. Wanting to help, waiting for Annette to stop the playing and get serious about herself and her body, but they can't interfere.

They are wanting to build a structure around her to reconnect her. They call it a wave structure. Moving form, vortexes, also mesh like. The wave structure is curved, almost like fine ectoplasm – all 3D.

They will build a form, head to foot -- connecting all bodies and bringing form back into the nonphysical. This structure will reconnect her, get her back to her own being, in tune with her own self, spiritual self.

The energy is not like other healings where I am working on deep emotional issues and removing the pain and replacing it with light and positive affirmations. Not like working with colour healing either. This is a different experience altogether.

She understands God and spiritual matters, psychic matters and the complications/happenings in the astral world. Other people who come to me for help and who are suffering from depression, pain, emotional trauma need healing with lots of what I call ‘love energy’ brought in by my Council, their angels, etc.

Annette also need to lots of healing, but it's more technical, almost a computerized type feeling. It's all done through unconditional love, as with all healings but it's more on a technical, practical level.

The structure was in place and I removed the implant from the back of her neck. It was screw shaped, convex in the middle and contains some form of fluid, light green in colour. This I felt broke her spiritual connection, a blockage.

The body filled with light, a golden yellow. The structure was moving. Annette was so pleased with the results from the first session. ‘This is exactly what I needed, what I needed to hear. Thank you so much. When I come again?’

Annette also had a constant nasal drip that really irritated her. I felt this was also caused from the alien invasion but it was there to remind her on what she should be doing and until she got more serious and wanting this to stop (her lending of her body for alien playtime), the drip would continue.

Second session -- 27th of February 2004 - 10 days later.

A different Annette walked through the door. More focused, more calm, less on edge. But more aware now, like ‘What have I been doing all this time. How stupid of me. How could I?’

I checked the chakras. Still not much movement or colour, but I could see more into the body this time. The first session I was more drawn to the external subtle bodies in creating the 'wave structure.'

What I saw and experienced this time was again quite different. I was 'in' her lower chakras but I was standing on the 'edge' of the universe. It was very dark but dull, like a steep shore in the distance. I tried to go to my usual place to connect and start commanding changes. I say this time 'tried' because all I got was this vast, dark, empty dimension.

I spoke to Annette and told her of this issue and asked her to focus her energies of helping me to connect, which she did. Straight away I was in my usual plane of light connecting to God, asking for help and commanding the changes to occur (add later.)

I came back to the room again and found myself in other dimension but this time I was shown a being sitting on a swivel type chair looking at many screens. It was Spirit’s way of showing me that they [the aliens] were 'plugged' into Annette and monitoring her and her organs.

I saw studs all down her right side from the top of the ascending colon going along the 'V' shape to her groin. They were like silver studs, but they were (?) implants. The left side was swollen and purple/red in colour. Annette advised she had a lot of discomfort down the right side and some down the left side. I felt that these 'studs' had also created a chemical imbalance (Annette confirmed this.)

I checked up the body to the liver and saw a metal type protection over the liver, across the stomach and up over the heart and lungs. I was told that this had been put in place to protect her upper organs while they were checking, monitoring her lower organs. I saw that she had been on an operating table at one time when this had taken place (Annette confirmed.) This had been done by the larger of the two aliens.

We decided to remove the studs. I asked Annette to connect to her guides/angels for assistance, as I knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. I went to Theta and made my commands, came back and started to remove the studs/implants.

As I was working on the right side I saw a large metal type plate forming right across the abdomen. They [the aliens] didn’t want this removed. We also both felt one of them in the room with us. I had seen a small blue square floating near her right arm (eyes opened at the time), and felt their presence.

Anyhow, we continued. As I started to remove the plate underneath it was all dark and again dimensional. She was wide open and connected to their energy. Her body had no boundaries. They had plugged into her and she no longer belonged to herself.

All these plugs/leads were connected into the screens that I had seen earlier. Annette saw them too, so I asked her to assist with their removal. She really had to want to remove them. She was still open to the universe 'anybodies' (yes, they could come in at will.)

It took a while to remove the studs from the right, then I worked on the left, but they were more 'screwed in,' so required a lot more energy to unscrew the bolts. I brought in light, but she wasn’t accepting it. I asked the help and was given a clear crystal merkabar(?) in shape and place it in her abdomen. The light started to revolve and defuse across the abdomen and down the legs.

Success!!!! Great, we are on our way!!!

I was then shown to build a connecting tube to God. Again this was different to other healings where I reconnected people to their soul and God. Their tubes were (?) colors and light. Annette’s tube was of a material substance, solid, but a flexible/soft, pliable material, almost like a soft plastic. I build from her base chakra all the way up to her crown chakra and up to the celestial realms where only pure Divine light exists of the most exquisite colors and hue.

We filled the tube with light from above and brought it down into her body to the base chakra. Annette accepted this light now more easily and the light started to defuse throughout the body. It was starting to light up. The chakras started spinning as colour returned to them.

The beautiful Beings were in the distance, waiting and watching. They will be able to come closer now that Annette is on her way to being mended.

Annette must maintain her spiritual connection through the 'tube'. In her meditations visualize the plugs all being removed and continue with this until she sees them no more.

Although we had removed them in the healing, unless Annette puts real intent into her recovery (as in the suggested meditation), she won’t be completely free. She has to show intent with seriousness in wanting to be more at adult in her outlook of both her spirituality and her physical body. Playtime with the aliens has to stop.

This was not like removing entities to the light. That they can't come back when we do this. But this, as I have said, is a very different energy from another dimension and I don't know what the rules are there. Sending them to the light was not an option offered to me. It's more a question now of Annette;

(a) becoming more serious about her spirituality and connection to God and

(b) sending them a constant (?) (via her meditation/visualization) that playtime is over and that they no longer have any connection with her because she now says “NO!!”

It’s still all God’s healing and I believe that no matter what dimension, and what exists in those dimensions, we all answer to God. God is the ultimate source of light, love, goodness and all have to obey by his Divine Law - even aliens. We just have to apply different methods.

After I had removed the plate/studs from the abdomen I checked the ovaries. They looked very grey and very swollen. Annette confirmed that she had had a few cysts on her ovaries, which had caused her a lot of discomfort.

When checking I found implants in both ovaries. Again, metal like convex in the centre. It wasn’t easy removing them and it felt quite painful to do. So although Annette didn’t feel any pain, she was happy receiving all this beautiful healing energy from God.

Again the chemical smell which told me that there was a chemical imbalance. The ovaries shrunk down in size after the implant removal. Light was put in their place and gold light put all inside the Fallopian tubes and uterus. END OF SANDY’S NOTES.

I am aware of communication between me and unseen energies, white robed spiritual beings and helpful, teacher extraterrestrials has been going on for many years. I communicate willingly with these energies because of the trust formed from 'experiences' and the guidance and information provided by them to my questions. Although I am aware that grays were sometimes around have no memory of consciously channeling them.


A friend Jo, and I decided to have a meditation that included an out-of-body experience. Her travels took her to a space craft somewhere in space. She was on the outside of the ship looking through one of the large windows. Behind a desk running along the inside wall were extraterrestrials. They invited Jo in and she was about to take up their offer until they said ‘

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