Natural Acne Solution: How to Break Free from Acne and Reclaim Your Life by Seppo Puusa - HTML preview

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Supplements for acne-free living

Ideally your diet should take care all of those areas. But if you are anything like me, you like to eat food that's not so good for you. Because that's what you have always been doing and it tastes good.

Nothing wrong with that.


You just have to remember that everything you eat will have an impact on your body and on your health.

Because the reality is that it has become nearly impossible to eat a ‘perfect’ diet, I would recommend supplements to do 'damage control'.

Remember that your body operates in a certain way and it requires certain nutrients for optimal efficiency. If your food doesn't supply them then you should try some supplements to help you out.

It's practically impossible for me to recommend a supplement that would help each and everyone. Each of our bodies work differently and what exactly causes acne for you may not do it for the next guy.

If you read the chapters on what causes acne carefully you should have a pretty clear picture on the support your body needs.


Drawing from that, there are three 'basic' supplements that should do the trick for most of the people.



If you are not eating large quantities of raw, green vegetables it's likely that you are missing vital nutrients and that your body has to draw from it's storages to get what it requires. Supergreens alkalise your body, supply you a large array of vital nutrients, give you an energy boost, promote the growth of probiotic bacteria in your gut and detox your body. All in one package. Can you really ask for more than that?


Are you chewing your food 30 to 40 times before swallowing it? Are you eating mostly raw and fresh food? If you don't then it's likely that you are missing digestive enzymes. In this case you are placing extra stress on your liver and pancreas to produce these required enzymes (which means drawing minerals and nutrients from your bones to produce these enzymes). Or that your food is not digested completely and some of it will putrefy inside you and promote the growth of harmful bacteria and parasites. Good supply of digestive enzymes will go along way to prevent this.

There is also another benefit of taking digestive enzymes. When you force your body to divert the enzymes it would use to as systematic enzymes you compromise your immune system, and give the acnecausing bacteria and parasites more room to breathe.

As enzymes are one of the most important supplements you ideally should take two kinds of enzyme supplements: digestive and systematic (proteolytic). Digestive enzymes right before meals and systematic enzymes between meals.

It is possible to use digestive enzyme supplement also as systematic enzymes, but the formulations are somewhat different so it’s recommended to take both. Systematic enzyme formulation requires much more protease (protein digesting enzymes) than digestive formulation does. So taking digestive enzyme supplement as systematic doesn’t give your immune system that much ‘ammunition’ and also wastes the other enzymes that are primarily meant for digestion.


Remember those bad bacteria in your gut that putrefy food and create trouble that leads to acne and eventually serious health problems (final destination is cancer). Well they can't survive if you have a healthy supply of probiotic bacteria in your gut. After you have detoxified your body it's a good idea to take probiotic bacteria to get the good guys in before the bad guys can make their move.

If you don’t know what to look for choosing a good supplement can be difficult. You can find information on what to look for on supplements and brand recommendations at:

Supplements are not a substitute for healthy diet

Remember supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Unhealthy and nutritionally poor food will promote acne in you. Supplements are merely for 'damage control', or give you some vital nutrients that you would otherwise get from your diet.

Supplements are NOT a 'get out of jail for free card' for eating what ever you want and still not getting acne. However they will give you some freedom to indulge once in a while and still have a clear skin and good health.

There is a worrisome trend that some people and alternative health practitioners use supplements as drugs (the prescription type). What I mean with this is that instead of looking at the root cause of problem (which in many cases is unhealthy dietary or lifestyle choices) they merely take supplements to ‘eliminate’ the symptoms.

Granted this is much healthier than taking prescription drugs or not taking supplements at all, but do you really want your health to come from a pill?

Use supplements strategically to help you. Don’t make you and your health dependant on them. Healthy diet and lifestyle makes you feel so much better and you end up saving a lot of money.



Here’s what you can do to help your friends that are suffering from acne

• Send your friend to this link where they can download their own copy:

• Send this file to a friend (It’s quite big, so ask first)

Do you know someone who might benefit from this book? Please share this with them. Going through this program together with a friend can make a big difference to your success.

That way you always have someone to help and motivate you when the going gets tough. You also get positive reinforcement when you watch each other getting clear.