Eleven Rules, Seven Theorems and Seven Axioms of Cosmo-Art by Antonio Mercurio - HTML preview

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Principles of cosmoartistic Anthropology




The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms represents the apex of my anthropological and cosmological ideas.

In his book "Masks of the Universe", Edward Harrison amply describes humanity's ability to create a new cosmological vision for every changing historical epoch.

It seems to me that Pope John Paul II gave the last blow to the old Christian cosmology when, in a discourse proclaimed from the window that opens onto Saint Peter's Square, he said that Paradise is not a place but a state of being.

I spoke of this in detail in my books "The Ulysseans - the Theorem and the Myth for traveling from one universe to another" and "La nascita della Cosmo-Art" {The Birth of Cosmo-Art}.

I wrote about the close connection between my anthropological and cosmological ideas in my paper “Principles of Cosmoartistic Anthropology”, presented at the OMAEP International Congress held at the "La Sapienza" University in Rome, which has been included in the present volume.

Starting from the "Lettera agli uomini" {The Letter to Humanity} of the Sophia University of Rome and my book "Teoria della Persona" {Theory of the Person}, up until this most recent publication, one can see the entire path my ideas have travelled along and that I now can define with the name of Cosmoartistic Anthropology.

These ideas were first incarnated in Existential Personalistic Anthropology and Sophia-Analysis, then in Sophia-Art and now in Cosmo-Art. Anyone who is interested in having an experiential knowledge of these ideas, as well as an intellectual one, can do so by contacting any of the Institutes associated to the Sophia University of Rome, in Italy or abroad.


My most profound gratitude goes to all the students, teachers and Directors of these Institutes who have put my ideas into action and have verified their validity in their own lives.

Cosmo-Art is an artistic movement that is accessible to anyone who has enough strength and courage to detach from the Fetal I they still carry within, and move upwards towards the cosmic artistic dimension of the Adult I . This second dimension is present during the entire life of a human being: from the first moment of conception up to ultracosmic life, it is possible to make one's life and the life of the cosmos into a work of art that creates immortal beauty, just as Ulysses did.

Homer's account of this process is found in his Odyssey, and I explain these correlations in my book "The Ulysseans" and in a successive one “Hypothesis on Ulysses”.

Antonio Mercurio