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“BIG Book Of Proof!”

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00004.jpgA Personal Message From Ewen Chia, Creator of “Secret Affiliate Weapon”:
Dear Friend,


00005.jpghanks for downloading this very special book. What you’re going to be reading soon are hundreds of real-life PROOF and success stories from ordinary people just like you… The difference is:


They had discovered a ‘secret resource’that teaches them exactly how to make tons of money and extraordinary income from home… without needing their own products, websites or email lists!

This resource is none other than “Secret Affiliate Weapon” - a value-packed membership site providing tools,tactics, tricks and continual education on makingmoney withother people’s products– or what you’d call “affiliate

The best part is, you can grab a lifetime membership to “Secret Affiliate Weapon” for just a ONE-TIME investment of only $9.97!
Yes you read that right – it’s only $9.97 not $997.

I invite you to secure your own membership now while it lasts – the stuff I teach works and will help you make money, as all these success stories from your friends prove…

Don’t delay another second, grab your membership by clicking here now…
To Your Affiliate Success!
PS.There’s also a specialhidden bonus worth $47.00within this book which you’lllove, look outforit…

Irrefutable Real-Life PROOF That “Secret Affiliate Weapon” Really Works To Help You Make Money!

Secret Affiliate Weapon was the first program to teach me how easy it could be to draw in back-end sales for more profits. Ewen makes it look simple and you can learn a lot just from watching what he does.

00007.jpgSecret Affiliate Weapon is the easiest affiliate income I've ever made. It also continues to teach me new things.

Thanks Ewen for all your support, your emails, your blog and the countless new Effective ways you keep telling me about to promote Secret Affiliate Weapon.

I'm now using your strategies for one of my clients in a totally different field and they can't believe the results but I can. To your ultimate success Ewen, Thanks.

- G. Reichard

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I have been trying to make an income online for over 12 months and was constantly suffering from information overload which resulted in me going around in circles and not achieving anything...until I found Ewen Chia.

Ewen arranges things so you avoid the clutter and get to earn $$ quickly. His simple step by step system and the clarity he provides is excellent for a newbie!

- Ian McConnell

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Hi Ewen, As you know, I have been responsible for more than $8,000 in sales within my first week of being an affiliate for Secret Affiliate Weapon…

I must admit though that I am not actively marketing it anymore, yet I continue to get sales (almost on a daily basis). SAW practically sells itself. I have never promoted a program that converts into sales as easily as this one.

SAW is adding a nice figure to my bottom line every month. To date I have had more than $14,000 in sales with a few hundred still coming in every month. And I get all of this through indirect marketing results.

Anyway, that is just on the income side, let alone the information that you keep giving us on a regular basis. I almost find it absurd that you could give away (and continue to add) such valuable information for a mere $9.97!

- Craig Haywood (a.k.a. The blue guy)

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Ewen is one of those rare marketers who can really make your product launch explosive! I've seen first hand how Ewen promotes and the results he delivers.

As a top affiliate of mine he won our affiliate sales contest for a big product launch we did in 2005. However, he didn't just win, he blew away the competition! Now I consider myself a pretty good marketer and have one a lot of affiliate contests myself but there is always something I can learn from Ewen.

I'm a proud member of Secret Affilate Weapon myself and it is the one site I recommend to all of my affiliates. When my affiliates can learn from Ewen it can only help my business more. You cannot go wrong by becoming a SAW member today. Regards, Jeremy Gislason

- Jeremy Gislason


The video's you show are fantastic to watch and you can watch them over & over again. And the tutorials are great. Super website.

- Joseph Kita

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00012.jpgEwen gives away great info and it’s so easy to understand. If you ever get a piece of information.. get it from Ewen !
He gives away far more than he should :)
- Chris Yates

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Hi Ewen, I just want to thank you for your Secret Affiliate Weapon. You really give much for less. I believe people wouldn't mind if you charge them monthly, since you continuously provide tons of information to your member!

- Fidens Felix

PS: Could you limit the membership? I don't want everybody to know these secrets you are sharing. I don't like competitors :-D

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Secret Affiliate Weapon has changed my life! This is by far the best Affiliate Program around, as soon as I started using this service I started earning more commissions from this one service than all my other campaigns combined. Great Job Ewen!

- Ryan Blake
An amazing program!

When it comes to affiliate marketing you have shown to be a proven expert at making money and showing others do the same.

This program is so simple and everything is already done and laid out for you. It truly is a no-brainer!
- William Level

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00016.jpgI think this is a great product!
- Derek Hall

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Ewen, I am deluged with people selling tons of products every day…

I can honestly say that ALMOST NONE compare to your Secret Affiliate Weapon product for providing affiliate marketers with methods they can really use to make themselves successful and become a super affiliate themselves.

I always tell my subscribers if they are SERIOUS about becoming a success in affiliate marketing, they need to check out your product!



This has changed my luck completely! I only started dabbling online 3 months ago. I found SAW through traffic exchanges, which is where I started…

I was literally vibrating with excitement. I put Ultimate Website Videos and AMM on pages in my site and just from that, every few days I noticed there was a SAW sale in my clickbank account! How easy is that?

That excited me so much I just bought advertising to pull more people to those free stuff pages two days ago, and I just know, it's going to make me more sales. How can it not? It's an awesome deal, and I think the sheer excitement in my write up is contagious!

By the way, I was tickled to see my clickbank ID rolling by on your cash videos! The ideas in SAW have helped me sell more than just this one product.

Like I said, I'm just getting started, but in May alone I have made over $1000 selling other peoples stuff!
Thanks Ewen!
- Janet Overy

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Ewen, when I came upon SAW for the first time, I immediately realized it was a total no-brainer.
00019.jpgI can say this is one of the best investments I have ever made, and the price was an absolute steal.

Your membership is awesome and the information is topnotch. I strongly recommend SAW to anyone that is involved with affiliate marketing.

Just one of Ewen's ideas can make your affiliate checks grow by big amounts!

- Juan Pablo Cangas

Hi Ewen, This is the best example any one can set for putting affiliate income on autopilot! :)

You create great tools from allowing affiliates to promote SAW and make their life really easy. You really practice what you say.


I gave away "Ultimate Website Videos" PDF at couple of giveaways, it helped me get subscribers as well as convert them to customers. And all this on auto-pilot. I just set it once and people still download PDF from my site they get the message, view it, SAW is a GREAT product at an INSANELY low price, so, any one will be fool enough to not take it.

This makes me smile by seeing those small $4.83 amounts everyday in my Clickbank account (when they become SAW members) and $43+ once every week, when the upgrade! This is when I haven't promoted heavily, this really motivates me to promote it on regular basis, so, I get regular smiles! :)

I am quite happy the way this "Load it, Promote it, Forget it" model is working. Thanks for making difference in my online life.

- Amar Mehta

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00021.jpgEwen Chia's Secret Affiliate Weapon is the best thing that has happened in the Affiliate marketing arena.

The Affiliate site is loaded with excellent training and the products are first class. If a person puts forth the effort and uses the tools made available to SAW Affiliates they are sure to succeed!

- Joseph Hall

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00022.jpgEwens’ advice is great. I have used some of the tactics that he has given and they work.
Not to brag, but I am one of the top affiliate for the main product I promote. Thank you Ewen.

- Dax Cheng

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Absolutely Fantastic!
I'm blown away by the quality of this comprehensive package. Great value for money. A must have product for any Affiliate Marketer.
- Chan Parmar

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Thank Ewen, I've Made My First Affiliate Commission!

By following step by step your marketing system revealed in your "Secret Affiliate Weapon" Member's Area, I've made my first affiliate commission just after 9 days of promotion.

I have just used the free methods. Now i know and i believe that i can make more than $12,000 per month.

I'm going now to invest the necessary time and money into advertising, into the trends, tools, recommend me to run successfully my affiliate marketing business. thank you

- Juste A. Gnimavo

At the time of posting this I was relatively new to internet marketing.

I wasted a lot of hours downloading information regarding secrets to success on internet marketing only to find there was always pieces missing from the internet jigsaw puzzle.

I stumbled across Ewen Chia's Secret Affiliate Weapon purely by accident and was truly amazed by all the information Ewen has supplied, one stop shop so to speak.

Finally I had found the answers to many of my questions. The wealth of information Ewen supplies to his members alone is worth its weight in gold.
Thanks so much Ewen! I have no hesitation is recommending this explosive package.

- Noeline Cairns

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Hi Ewen, Secret Affiliate Weapon is the BEST Program I ever read.
I learned a great deal from it and have highly suggested to many others since I purchased my copy!

I love the fact that it did not stop with just the initial package and much more has been sent to me based on that purchase.

The price was unbeatable and everyone that does any type of Affiliate Marketing needs this! And like I said for the price you can't beat it, the value is far worth more than the price.

Great job Ewen and I still till this day suggest it to people!
- Laurie Brandt

Ewen, I can't tell you how much you have helped me to learn and get started in the internet business.

As you know I am a retired senior citizen (71) years old, who lost everything I've worked hard for all my life, in the stock market "Enron & MCI, and was desperate to find a way to supplement my Social Security income.

Thanks to you and your Secret affiliate Weapon site, I can forsee a light at the end of the tunnel, God bless you, I've joined your affiliate program and I'm telling everyone about you!

- Joseph Hargett

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Wow! This has got to be the most under-priced membership sites I have ever seen! Ewen Chia truly is "the Man" when it comes to effective Affiliate Marketing.

Using his information and resources, I have turned my business around completely. You don't want to miss out on this if you are at all involved with affiliate programs.

- Aaron Herman

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I thankfully joined Ewen's fantastic "Secret Affiliate Weapon" site back in October of 2005!

Since joining "Secret Affiliate Weapon" I have gained an incredible amount of "real-life" knowledge that I actually put to use everyday, which is unlike so many other programs on the Internet today.

The material and tools that Ewen shares are extremely useful for improving every aspect of my online presence, including my daily financial gains. I cannot thank you enough Ewen and I am so grateful that I came across your "Secret Affiliate Weapon!"

- Michael Wood
Hello Ewen: Many people think that MAKING MONEY is the most "important thing" about an internet business, but I feel that may be wrong.
The "thing" you must do FIRST, and what WILL make money is, 'change your way of thinking, about HOW to make money'.

The Secret Affiliate Weapon techniques and guidance I've received, have been responsible for changing my thinking to a, "Marketing Mindset", which I'll apply to my ventures and adventures on the Internet.

I thank you for your investment in me, both in email and newsletter formats and your Secret Affiliate Weapon correspondence.
I now look forward to, as your signature states, 'My Affiliate Success'!
Thank you so much for your Secret Affiliate Weapon.

- Michael Berry

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The good think about "SAW" is that you buy it, you sell it... I always can see when a product is good, but the major problem when you are trying to sell it, is to let people know that it good!

Well, "Secret Affiliate Weapon" is good, is easy to sell and it also gives you the knowledge, tools and the free advertising to sell it!!!

It’s amazing... I have made thousands with this $9.97 product that sells by itself...Thank You Ewen.
- Pedro Sardinha

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I am a new online marketer and venturing into the internet world can be a huge and confusing place. I am so glad that I have Ewen Chia on my side along with his Secret Affiliate Weapon.

It is easy to understand and the support is wonderful, I know he is only an email away! To find success on the internet and be able to make a reasonable income you must believe in the product and the plan - and in the integrity of the seller.

I am excited about this and know I will be making a great income really soon.
Thank you Ewen for helping us newbies!
- Lynne Haynes

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Hi Ewen, I just purchased my membership to 'Secret Affiliate Weapon' and didn't have a CLUE what I would find.
I realized it would be good because of WHO you are and the respect you have from other 'super affiliates'.

I still can't believe the amount of 'genuinely valuable' products once inside. I don't know how I'll get through it all yet, but I do know that I can only succeed if I follow your 'plan of action'. I can't thank you enough. But THANKS anyway.

- Pete Moring

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