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Part-III: Cat Behavior

Common Cat Behaviors Explained

Cat behavior can at times prove intriguing and irritating. Your

cat behaves in an extraordinary fashion only because of some

special cause. There are never any bad cats. It is only that

your cats are trying to inform you about something, probably,

which you are unable to understand.

Therefore, train your cat right from the start and pay attention to its behavior patterns to understand what your cat wants to


Attention-Seeking Behavior

Cats could sometime howl incessantly and at odd times. It

could also meow or cry loudly. Or it could keep going round

your legs. It could try inappropriate scratching on furniture or carpets. Often such attention seeking behavior is due to stress

or anxiety. Such emotions could be due to a recent change of

residence, your new baby or pets in your home, your

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prolonged absence from home, or aggression or sickness of

another cat.

An old cat howling in the middle of the night may be due to

growing senility with increased deafness. Sometimes, cats

race around the house rolling fur on their back. See your vet

to confirm if it is due to Rippling Skin Disorder or feline

hyperesthesia. Veterinarians suggest simple dietary changes

coupled with medication for eradication of fleas and toxins. A

regular exercise program can bring marked behavioral

changes in your cat.

Cats asking for your attention would keep going round your

legs. Insistent meowing is also another form of getting vocal

with you. Schedule some time to sit and talk to your cat. It

will meow back and soon would be happy talking to you. Make

it a routine and your cat will mostly stop meowing and wait for

the specific time to come. Similarly, inappropriate scratching is a form of getting your attention.

Incessant meowing could also be due to pain. In case of

excessive stress or anxiety, veterinarians might suggest anti-

anxiety drugs, (tranquilizers used to relieve anxiety and

reduce tension and irritability).

Aggressive Behavior towards People

Aggression in cats towards people could take the form of

biting, fighting, or scratching. Some cats behave aggressively

due to inadequate training as a kitten. Biting and scratching

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are natural instincts of a cat. Right from the start, you should teach your kitten or cat that your hand is not a toy for

scratching or biting.

The most effective way to instill discipline is to hold your cat by the scruff of the neck, push downwards, and utter a firm

‘No’. This mimics similar disciplinary action by the mother cat

in its childhood. You can release your hold after few seconds.

This incident stays in its memory for a long time.

Bored cats also resort to aggressive behavior. Provide a new

and interesting toy. Sometimes excessive petting could

stimulate your cat. You may not pay attention to its feelings

expressed through pulled back ears and narrowed eyes. It

could be also due to hormonal imbalances, unnoticed wounds,

or distress due to fleas and mites. Veterinarians could suggest

simple remedies for these problems.

Aggression towards Other Cats

Cats within the same household could behave aggressively at


Play fighting or aggression between related and unrelated kittens and cats is normal. Their natural survival instinct

induces them to be predative and stalk other cats. On a

playful note, one will pounce on the other and it will continue

into a repetitive process. Although, this is harmless in the

short term, it could establish the pecking order, if this play

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continues for too long; it could lead to severe aggression with

scratching sessions.

Sexual Aggression is easily identifiable. One cat would try to mount another with hip thrusting movements and bite at the

nape of the other cat’s neck. Try hissing at the cat. Your

action should be gentle yet firm. This should cause your

aggressor cat to be in a subservient posture for some time. It

could roll over. The victim cat would move away whining.

Territorial Aggression could erupt suddenly between cats of the same sex or different sex. This aggression is normally

through territorial marking or urine spraying. Normally, the

aggressor cat would attack other cats with laid-back ears,

straight posture, hissing, and growling. The victim cat would

move away submissively accepting the social hierarchy.

Sometimes, the victim cat will refuse to accept this and

serious fighting could ensue.

The best way to deal with this is to separate the two cats

physically and keep them in separate places so that they do

not come across one another. Be careful while separating

them, as they may not recognize you in their fight and you

could suffer injuries. Separation could be for few hours or

days. The cats later find ways of settling scores between

themselves. They may even forget the incident.

In serious cases, your veterinarian could suggest medications

like Buspirone, Amitriptyline, or Valium. Feliway Plug-In

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releases pheromones into the atmosphere to calm aggressive


Chewing Incidents by Cats and Kittens

Cats and kittens engaging in destructive chewing could cause

a lot of harm to your possessions and health of your pet.

Chewing could be gnawing at furniture, computer cords,

electrical wiring, and other things. Chewing could be due to

boredom, simple curiosity, nutrient deficiency, or teething in

kittens. You can provide lot of different toys and playthings for your cats and kittens to relieve them of boredom. You could

give them self-exploring cat towers, tunnel shaped cardboard

boxes, or wall or mounted toys.

Chewing on electrical cords could cause instances of choking,

electrical shocks, and even death. Discourage such action by

making all electrical cords and wires inaccessible to your feline pets. You can cover all cords with pre-split hollow tubing or try using corrugated tubing. Apply various rows of double-sided

sticky tape around any cord tangles.

Spray bitter apple spray on your cords to prevent such

chewing incidents by your cats.

Cats could chew on houseplants, some of which are poisonous

for them. Remove such plants or spray them with bitter apple

spray. Some cats chew on leather and fabrics. You can try

hiding these chewable favorites or spray bitter apple spray on

them. You can also provide specific teething toys for your little Copyright © 2007paul Brough ~ All Rights Reserved

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kittens to chew on while their teeth come in. Plastic drinking

straws prove to be an ideal chewing plaything for kittens and

adult cats alike.

Cats and Their Destructive Scratching

Claws prove to be the greatest weapon of a cat. It is their

natural instinct to scratch claws against hard surfaces like

furniture and carpet sheaths. This is to sharpen their claws

and remove a transparent sheath that grows over their claws

restricting free movement of the claws. Additionally, it tones

the shoulders and back muscles of your cat. Yelling or physical

punishment of your cat for this behavior only causes

confusion. Instead, use simple remedial measures to protect

your furniture and allow your cat to scratch.

Build a few sturdy vertical scratching posts and cover with a

hard material like sisal. Put them around the common

scratching places in your house. Play around this new post for

some time and soon your cat would recognize and use it as an

ideal scratching post. Give small rewards to your cat for using

this post. This refrains cats from going to other scratching


Another way of discouraging unwanted behavior is to spray

your furniture with citrus-scented spray. You can spray a little water on your cat when you catch him in the act. Otherwise,

place some aluminum foil on couch arms and sides. Similarly,

stick double-sided stickers around your furniture to prevent

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cats from venturing anywhere there. Shake a can with a few

pennies the moment you notice your kitten or cat scratching

at some forbidden place. Cats dislike this sound and will stop


Litter Box Misuse

Kittens need appropriate litter box training in their initial

months. Normally, cats and kittens like to have individual litter box. Their box should be immaculately clean. A slight change

or odor can make your cat go to the bathroom outside the

litter box. Also, check your cat for any urinary tract problems.

This causes pain while urinating, so cats associate this with

the litter box and therefore pee outside the box. Immediate

medical help is necessary to fix the problem.

Cats are jealous and possessive. A new pet, baby, or anything

that restricts his share of your attention can disrupt your cat’s behavior. Cats are habitual creatures. If you have moved in

recently or shifted the litter box elsewhere, give adequate

time for your cat to adjust to new surroundings and come

back to a regular routine.

Sometimes male or female cats indulge in spraying to mark

their territory. Stress could also be one cause for such

unjustified action by your cats. Veterinarians suggest

anxiolytic drugs, although the results take time to work.

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Compulsive Behavior by Cats

Cats and kittens sometimes develop compulsive behavior of

wool sucking, fur pulling, or excessive licking. There is no

explainable cause for such behavior, although many associate

it with early weaning from the mother. The best way to keep

your fabrics safe is to keep all woolens like sweaters in

closets and drawers out of reach of your feline pets.

If you cannot move away carpets, try spraying it with bitter

sprays or cayenne pepper. This dissuades cats from chewing.

A water pistol or shaking a can of coins can scare away your

cat if caught in action. Another way of stopping such

unwanted chewing habits is to change the diet of your cat or

kitten. Include more fiber by adding wheat or oat bran in

every meal. Chewing lettuce leaves proves very effective.

Include crunchy foods like bacon or green beans in your cat’s


Anxiety and Stress in Cats

Stress can stem from anywhere but it affects cats drastically.

Stress can causes severe behavioral and health problems. It

causes aggressive behavior, litter box avoidance, withdrawal,

or depression. Cats cannot accept environmental changes

easily. Moving into a new house, having a new spouse, the

inclusion of a new baby or new pet can cause stress. You need

to reassure your cat that he is still the most preferred. You

can do this by giving him sufficient time to adjust, and allow

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him to accept the new environment and people at his own


Death of a family member or another pet can cause extreme

stress in cats. You can overcome this by giving the cat a piece

of clothing of the deceased. This makes up for the absence of

their physical presence.

Restrict and lower your personal stress levels to bring about

changes in your cat’s stress levels. There are various

homeopathic and other medical remedies.

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