Housetraining Your Dog - A Definitive Guide by Ruff Sitwell - HTML preview

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Separation Anxiety


Separation anxiety occurs mostly to home alone


d ogs. Your dog may exhibit separation anxiety


by urinating, defecating, digging, scratching, or


chewing while you are g one. If your dog is
perfectly housetrained and behaves appropriately at all times except when you leave him – even if you are only gone less than an hour – he is suffering from separation anxiety. It also occurs to over-possessive dogs.

For this you need to change the leaving routine. You can confine your dog to a small area of your home, which is not carpeted, like a crate, bathroom or utility room while you are gone. But make sure it is comfortable and cozy to him. Put his bed or blanket in it. Put a favorite toy or two in it.

There are other special cases where housetraining your dog will prove to be difficult. If you want to know in details about those behavioral problems that might hamper your potty training sessions, refer to Page 12 for our Housetraining Your Dog – A Definitive Guide e-book and know the best possible ways to combat them.