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In 1994 one man made a wrong turn...

then the unthinkable happened.

S t e v e J a m e s W a t s o n

Copyright © 2023 by Steve James Watson All rights reserved.

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copyright law.

Book Cover by Steve James Watson

Illustrations by Steve James Watson

1st Edition 2023


Short Sci-fi Story

The year is 1994 in the Nevada desert. On a drive out into the desert from work, a normal guy named Blake Rutter encountered beings from another dimension. This leads to questions about his mental health and whether he is telling the truth. The events he experiences are shocking, but he has help from above. He is on a mission to uncover the truth about his origin in this universe and the fate of planet Earth.


Chapter One

The year is 1994. Location: Nevada Desert.

The conditions are humid, calm, and tranquil. It is at dusk.

A normal guy called Blake Rutter is driving home from work. He is in his SUV, going along a vacant stretch of open road. No sign of any disturbances, perfect conditions for driving. To save time, Blake turns right and takes a different route with empty roads.

As Blake drives at a steady speed, he suddenly notices an orb of light in the night sky. He initially assumed it was a helicopter or a plane, which is frequent in the region. Of course, it’s quite close to Area 51, so it would be very normal to spot aircraft. He saw the orb of light dance in the sky, a sight he'd never witnessed.

It was getting closer and closer to his SUV. Suddenly, the object appeared over his car and Blake’s SUV stopped dead. The whole car switched off and he could no longer start it. Absolutely stunned. Blake sat there in fear.

Suddenly, three beings appeared in front of him outside his SUV.

They stood there staring at him. These beings walked closer to his car. They had enormous almond eyes and blue skin. Suddenly a beam came down from the orb of light and lifted Blake through the roof of his car. He was terrified. Not knowing what to do, he screamed, but it was no use. He could do nothing and had a bad feeling about what was going to happen to him.

Now, the ship has taken him up. They put him on an operating table and begin probing him with instruments, which was causing a great deal of pain. The beings make an incision into his head and appear to be inserting an object.

Blake, in his fear, couldn’t move at all. It paralysed him.

He screamed out in pain and asked for help from god, or anybody that could help. In a moment of amazement, suddenly four beings interrupt coming into the craft and stop what's happening. The three beings that abducted Blake flee from the operating room and they rescued him.

Blake suddenly could move again and speak. He said

“what just happened?”. One being said “We are your guardians.” “You have a chip in your body to alert us, when you are in any danger from other beings who wish

to harm you.”. Blake says “You came more or less just in time.” The being in front of Blake responds, “We are sorry you had to go through this experience, but it’s very common on earth.”

Blake gets up from the operating table and goes with the beings back to his SUV. Once in his car, the beings that rescued him say “We can’t tell you exactly who we are yet, but it will come in time”. “Just know that we are here to protect you and we will be in touch again. Blake drove home. He was still shaken from the incident and was trying to make sense of what had just happened to him.

He got home and sat down in a chair at his table. In front of him was a bottle of whiskey. He had a swig and tried to make sense of it all. Blake is a loner, he has no wife or children. Although he has a brother and sister and mum and dad. He wonders who to tell about his ordeal, but he knows deep down no one will believe him.

Blake gives a psychiatrist that he is aware of and knows well a call in the morning. He doesn’t think he’s baffling, but he wants some therapy for the trauma he went through. It’s the next morning. Blake calls the psychiatrist and books an appointment for that day. He gets in his SUV

and drives over to him for about 1pm in the afternoon.

When he gets there, he parks up and wonders in to the practice. As soon as he gets in, he didn’t have to wait long before he was called in. He sits down and talks to the psychiatrist. The therapist says to him, “Now Blake, what can I do for you today?”. "I was abducted by aliens," Blake says to the therapist, acknowledging it might sound unbelievable.

The therapist responds kindly, “Ah, ok Blake, and what exactly happened?”. He says “Well, I was driving In my car into the desert, and suddenly I noticed an orb of light that got closer and closer to me.” The therapist responds a bit skeptically, “Right ok, and then what happened?”.

Blake says “Well, it suddenly appeared above my car and lifted me up into the ship. Umm, sorry this is very difficult for me to describe this.” He says “No Blake, that’s fine, you clearly look scared by what you experienced.” He says, “I think we need to do some mental evaluation of your mental health.” He says, “I am not saying you're baffling Blake, but you need to understand that his would seem a little out there to some.”

Blake says, “Yes, I know this, but I am telling you it’s dead real and it really happened. Even my guardians turned up to save me.” He says “Your guardians turned up?”. Blake

responds, “Yes, they said they are here to protect me.”

The therapist says “Right Blake, I understand, the trouble is Blake I am having a hard time believing all of this.” “I am not saying you are nuts, but we need to do further sessions and evaluate your mental health to be sure.

Blake says “I knew you would have a challenge believing me”. He say “Let’s end this session for today and I will book you in for another session soon”. He says “Ok, that’s fine, I am going to need all the support I can get”. Blake leaves the practice and goes on home. Once home, Blakes wonders what to do next. He wonders whether to tell his family about his ordeal. At the moment, he leaves it for a while. And has a lie down in bed.

Eventually Blake drifts off a sleep. During his alpha state, he gets flash backs of his abduction. His body twitches as he recalls what happened. He recalls these slender, almond-shaped eyed beings standing over him. Blake twitches more than he recalls the finer details of his experience.

Suddenly, he wakes up violently. Laying there sweating from his nightmare, Blake decides he needs to get back to work and try to ignore his experience. Blake works for a banking firm. He is a financial advisor. He drives into

work that day as he had already told them he wasn’t well.

Blake wanted to tell everyone everything, but he also knew it would be very hard to do so because not everyone would believe him. Blake gets into his office and sits down. Sat there contemplating his next move, he reads some documentation. As he’s sat there, his secretary walks in. She say “Oh Blake, how are you doing?, you said you were not well today”. Blake responds

“Yes Anthea, I wasn’t well at all, but I am here now”. She says “What was wrong?”.

He says carefully, “Well, it’s difficult to describe. I had a very unusual experience, and to be honest, I don’t think anyone would believe me to be honest.” She says “Try me Blake.”

“Well, I had a scary encounter with other wordly beings last night.” “They abducted me and did some probing, and I was so scared and in a lot of pain.” She says “Oh Blake, that’s awful, and I am not saying I don’t believe you.” “In fact, I believe in these things.”

Blake responds surprised at her response “Oh Anthea, I never knew this. After all these years, I have known you.”

She says “Blake, you can trust me.” “I know how traumatic this must have been for you.” Blake says “My guardians turned up and rescued me from these beings.”

She says “Oh, that’s amazing, you must have been so relieved.”

He says, “Yes, I am thankful for them for intervening when they did, otherwise I don’t know what would have happened.”

Chapter Two

After a day at work, Blake returns home. Once home, he decides to switch on the Television. The first channel that comes on is the local news channel. To his amazement, a news anchor narrates the top story. “Just in. There have been reports of multiple UFO sightings in the west Michigan area, with at least 300 witnesses.” “The sighting consisted of around 5 to 6 objects, all flashing different colours”.

Blake’s response was in amazement as he had never been interested in this subject before. It certainly perked his interest, and he wants to know more, especially about his experiences. He was eager to meet the beings that rescued him recently. After a day’s work, Blake decides to sleep on it all and see what happens in the morning.

He seems to have been a sleep for 3hrs at least, but something wakes him up. His eyelids suddenly open and he is met with a glowing bright light in his room. Trying to adjust his eyesight, he tries to focus on the light.

Suddenly, one being manifested in front of him in his room. Blake says “Oh, I recognize you from the night of my abduction”. The being responds “Yes Blake, we have

returned, we have come to help you understand why you are here”.

He says “Who are you?”. “Well, you can call me Zee.” Blake says “I am glad to see you again, thank you for saving me.”

“That’s ok Blake, we are here to remove the implant that those beings put in you”. He responds “Oh, yes I understand”. “It’s not for tracking purposes, but it’s more about what they can do with your mind,. Which is what we are more worried about”.

Zee uses an advanced device to render the implant not functional any more and removes the implant. Blake says

“Is that it? The implant is gone?”. Zee responds “Yes Blake, we actually can holographically remove things like implants from humans. It’s likely beyond your understanding”. “Don’t worry, it’s all done now”. Zee says

“We need to keep the implant we put in you, as it will alert us to any trouble you may be in”.

“The problem is Blake, these beings that abducted you don’t need a chip to find you. They can read you by your energy.” Blake says “Oh ok, that makes sense, now I am terrified.” Zee says “Don’t worry Blake, as we have said before, we are your guardians and also your family”.”. He says “My family?”. Blake appears confused. “Yes, Blake,

you see you are a galactic being yourself, which is why they are interested in you.”.

“We plan to take you on our ship and take you back home for a visit.” Blake seems excited by the prospect of going home. He says “That would be amazing.” Zee says “We will take you home now, don’t worry you won’t be gone long, in fact you won’t even notice in terms of earth time.”

Blake says, “Ok Zee, thank you. I will get myself ready and dressed.” Zee “No problem.” Blake proceeds into the ship and sits down on a chair for the trip into space. He asks

“Where exactly are we going Zee.” Zee says “We are going back to Alpha Centauri.” “This is our home system, and this is where you come from too, Blake.”

Blakes excited about the journey. He asks “Is your star system peaceful?”. Zee says “Yes, to a degree, but you have to understand that not all of space is peaceful.” “In fact, Blake, there is a galactic war going on right now.”

“And you are a part of that, because that’s why we have told you that you are a galactic being yourself.”

Blake says “What is my role in all of this?” Zee says “You are a commander of a star-fleet Blake, you don’t realise how important you are.” “That’s why you got attacked.

They know who you are.” Blake sits in bewilderment and is surprised by the revelations. Blake says “It’s going to be difficult for me to be going back and forth from earth, and lead a normal life.”

Zee says “You won’t be able to have a normal life Blake, you are not any human being, you are very important.” He says “Ok Zee, I understand. It will just take a little getting used to, that’s all.” “You will adjust to the experience. The fact of the matter is Blake, we need you here as well, so we can brief you.” “You are on earth to carry out a certain mission.” Zee continues “But it will be difficult on earth as well, as there are certain forces that know you are there.”

Blake seems concerned. Zee says “Don’t worry Blake, we have your back, and will not let anyone hurt you.” “But we must say that we cannot guarantee that you won’t get abducted again.” Zee explains, “Your implant only informs us with a slight delay, and we will appear as quickly as possible, but you will never be left alone.”

Zee says “It is part of your contract and ours to help support you in this current incarnation.” The ship lifts off and heads to Alpha Centauri. This is Blake’s first time in deep space, and it astonished him at the beauty of it. As

the ship suddenly prepares to shift inter dimensionally and to get to the location quicker.

Suddenly, the ship goes into warp drive and arrives at its destination in seconds. Bakes asks a question, “Wow, how is that even possible?”. Zee responds, “We are way too advanced for you to understand Blake, our technology is thousands of years more advanced than Earth’s”. The beauty of Alpha Centauri is all there to see for Blake and he just sits there trying to take it all in.

The ship lands on the surface on the planet and they get ready to leave to the ship. Blake gets out of the ship and stands in amazement as he sees beautiful crystal cities as far as he can see. Blake says, “Zee, this is amazing and so beautiful to experience. Zee responds, “Yes, Blake, we are very proud of our civilization here in Alpha Centauri”.

Zee continues, “As a civilization, we live very simple lives, unlike Earth, which is very materialistic”. “We love and support each other, and it’s more about the oneness of consciousness that really matters”. Blake says “It all makes total sense Zee, I would like to stay here really, rather than stay on Earth”.

Zee says “I know Blake, but you can’t stay here, you are contracted to remain on earth at this time”. “But one day you will return here, just be patient, and all will come together in time”. Blake and Zee walk towards one of the crystal buildings and walk through one of the doors.

They walk into a room that features holographic screens similar to television screens, but way more advanced. Zee interfaces with one of the screens and brings up information about Blake’s past lives”. Blake reacts, “Oh my god, is this really me here”. Zee responds, “Yes, Blake, this is versions of you in past lives as a cosmic being”.

Zee continues, “You have existed for eons of time, and have had many lives as different species”.

“However, most of your lives have been as an Alpha Centaurian.”

Chapter Three

Blake responds, “That’s so amazing Zee, I didn’t realize all this.” Zee says, “You have had an interesting existence Blake, you have been preparing for this mission for eons of time”. Blake says concerningly, “After all this, I wish I didn’t have to go back to earth”. Zee says, “Yes, I know Blake, but you have to, it’s part of your earth contract”.

“There is something really important coming to earth very soon Blake.” Blake responds, “Oh really what’s that?”. “The earth is going through a dimensional shift and earth will ascend into the 5th dimension”. Zee says, “That is the primary reason you are here, Blake, to see the earth shift into its new frequency”.

Blake says, “Does that mean everything will be better on Earth”.Zee says excitedly, “Yes, Blake, the earth will move into a more loving reality where only high-vibe souls will exist”. “Right now, we have a war to fight in space against the dark forces”.

Blake says, “Like the ones that abducted me?”. Zee says,

“Yes, Blake, there are some very unpleasant beings in this universe.” “and, they must be dealt with, the good news is we are having success”. “Your mission is just to focus on

your job on earth”. Zee says, “We will come and collect you when wee can so that we can brief you on the situation when we can”.

Blake says, “Yes, I want to keep informed”. Zee says,

“Right now, we must return you to earth, so you can continue your life and mission”. Zee returns Blake to Earth after only an hour of earth time. Once back home, Blake wonders who to tell about his experiences and whether family and friends will believe him.

He feels keen to inform those around him. Blake eventually decides to go back and see the therapist he knows and went to see earlier on. The next morning, he calls up the therapist to book a session again. On the phone, Blake says, “Hi Janet, I would like to see you again, as I am having a very difficult time right now”.

Janet says, “Right, Blake, I will try and help you as much as possible.” She carries on, “I think right now, rather than a therapy session with me, I am thinking a past regression session may actually help you.” “It can help you make sense of your past experiences and even right now.” Blake says, “Oh you know, that makes total sense Janet, thank you”. He says, “I am dipping in and out of reality here, especially my trip last night to another planet.

It’s just a lot to take on board”. Janet says, “Yes, I know Blake, I understand, even though what your saying is very challenging”.

Blake says, “Yes, Janet, I know you are not sure about what I am saying, but It’s all very real and true”. She says,

“A past life regression session would uncover your past and help you prove your story more”. He responds, “Yes, I think it’s a good idea and I will try a regression session”.

Janet says, “Ok, I will contact my good friend John and get you booked in”. “Ok, Janet, thank you”. Janet books Blake in for a regression session later that day and he arrives at the office of regressionist John. Blake walks In and sits down and John greets Blake. He says, “Hello, Blake, how are you today?”. He responds, “Yes John, I am ok, looking forward to the session today”.

John responds, “Yes, Blake, it should be an interesting journey, but I have to warn you it can be a shock what might come through your regression.”

John prepares his notepad and begins to hypnotize Blake.

John begins, “Right, Blake, I am going to down from 10.

Each time I speak you will feel more relaxed and go into an altered state”. John counts down and leads Blake into

the hypnotic trance. Once in the trance, John begins to lead Blake through the regression session.

John begins, “Right, Blake, where are you now and how do you feel?”. Blake says relaxed, “I am on another planet, and I feel happy”. He responds, “Where is the planet Blake?”. “It’s located in Alpha Centurai”. John says, “Ok, Blake, and why are you there?”. “There is a war taking place and I am preparing to get on a mother ship to complete a mission”.

John says, “Ok, Blake, and against who is the mission?”.

Blake says, “It’s against the Dark Forces In the universe.

There are many in the universe that are not of the light.”

He responds, “Right, ok, and what is the mission exactly?

Tell me more.” Blake says, “We are creating a block aid in this area of space and earth to help protect people.”

“Right, ok, so it’s an important mission?”. Blake says, “Yes, very important. We are winning, but there is still work to be done.”

John continues, “I want to ask about your experiences, such as the abduction, what really happened?”. Blake says, “They tried to hurt me and make my life a misery.

They know I am important and wanted to harm me.” John,

“Ok, so they are very evil beings then”. Blake, “Yes, very, but I have my star family to help me, so I am quite content, even though there is some fear still”.

John responds, “But it’s good that you feel safe where you are right?”. Blake says, “Yes, I do feel protected and safe, our culture is peaceful and loving, nothing to fear here, we have evolved into a peaceful race.” John, “Right Blake, this is great. What a wonderful feeling it must be?”. Blake

“Yes, it’s the best feeling, and I feel empowered knowing that I am a galactic being.”

John wraps up the session. He says “Ok, Blake, we are going to end this session and I am going to count from 10

and you will feel more and more awake after listening to my voice.” John leads Blake out of the trance into an awakened state. Blake lays there amazed at the session.

John says, “Right, well I have recorded the session for you to watch later on Blake”. Blake says, “Oh thank you, John, that is really helpful. I will watch back”.

John says, “There was some great detail that came from this session, Blake.” He says, “Yes, I remember parts of it, but not all.” John responds, “I feel like this is the truth, Blake, having done regression for years. In my

experience, this is a very compelling case.” Blake says,

“Yes, John, it’s all real. One day on earth all will know the truth, especially through disclosure and ascension.”

The session finishes and Blake leaves the office to return home.

Chapter Four

After a long day with the regression therapist, Blake decides to go to bed early. He knows deep down that it’s likely Zee will appear again at night to take him out into the universe again. He’s looking forward to the adventures.

Blakes’s cat wanders in through the cat flap and he gives him a cuddle and says, “Hello, Buddy, you're alright aren't you? Have a good life, none of this trauma”.

Blake sits in his armchair cuddling the cat and then drifts off to sleep. About an hour later, Zee returns. Suddenly Blake awakens from his sleep by a bright light in the room. Then Zee appears, and says, “Greetings, Blake, we have come to take you on another journey into the cosmos”. Blake replies, “Hi Zee, oh how wonderful, excited about you coming back”.

Zee says, “Yes, we said we would come back, and we have”. “Right, now we are coming to collect you as we have an important briefing that is about to take place on Alpha Centauri”. Blake says. “Oh, this sounds really major.

What’s going on?”. Zee says. “You will know more when we get there. Be patient Blake”.

Both Blake and Zee walk into the ship and get ready to travel to Alpha Centauri. Once they land, both he and Zee walk towards the crystal buildings. This time a different building, and a much larger complex. Blake comments,

“Wow, Zee, this is amazing and huge”.

Zee says, “Yes, Blake, this is where we do all of our briefings on the happenings in this universe”. “All our decisions stem from these briefings”. Zee continues, “And as you are one of us, we wanted you to experience it”.

As he stands watching, he notices somebody walk up to the podium. Zee explains, “Blake, this is Nai, a commander of a large fleet of ships here”.

Nai stands waiting for everyone to gather for the briefing.

Once everyone has gathered, he begins the briefing. Nai speaks, “Hello, everyone, I am wanting to give an update on the situation on Earth, and what’s happening in the universe.” “We are on track for the total liberation of earth and its citizens”.

He continues, “Right now, we are on the verge of other planets being liberated from the darkness”. “It’s exciting times, and we are glad that things have worked out this way”. Nai explains, “Les be frank, it could have gone the

other way and we could not of made any progress, but thankfully we did”.

Nai says, “We have commander Blake Rutter with us, and we are so happy for him to know that he is one of us and wants the same things we do, Freedom for everyone”.

Blake says to himself, “Thank you, I really want peace, as all humans want”. Then Nai laughed, saying, “Blake I am telepathic, and heard what you thought”.

Blake smiles, and says to Zee, “Oh no one told me, Zee”.

Zee says, “Blake, it’s ok, it’s quite funny isn’t it? Yes, I forgot to tell you we are all telepathic”. “You yourself are normally telepathic too, but just not in your human body”.

“Soon you will be once Earth ascends into the 5th dimension, Blake”.

Blake asks Nai, “When will Earth ascend into the 5th dimension.” Nai responds, “It will happen in the next few days, Blake.” “A huge solar flash that has been planned will engulf the planet earth and totally shift its frequency.” “It’s an exciting time for all of us and, of course, for you.”

Zee speaks, “We need to return you to earth again Blake so that you are ready for what's to come.” Blake says, “I

can’t hold back the excitement. It seems surreal that this is all happening right now”. Zee smiles, “You will be so pleased very soon Blake, you will experience disclosure and liberation both at the same time”.

Zee leads Blake back into the ship after the briefing to take him back home to Earth. Blake makes a comment,

“Zee, does this all mean humans and the rest of the community will be reunited?”. Zee says, “Yes, Blake, that's the plan for Earth humans and the planet itself.” “We have been waiting for this moment for decades, in your measure of time, of course”.

Blakes says, “I cannot wait for the shift that’s about to happen, then no one will think I’m crazy”. Zee speaks, “Yes, Blake, you will be vindicated regarding your experiences finally”. Blake is finally home in his bedroom again. Zee says goodbye for now. Blake decides to go back to sleep and wait for the morning.

Once Blake wakes up, he contemplates telling everyone about what's coming, even his family. He gets up and decides to travel to his mom and dad’s home locally, only a few miles away in Nevada. Once he gets there, he tells them everything that’s going on.

Chapter Five

Blake starts informing his family about what's happening.

He says to his mom and dad, “I have to tell you the earth is on the brink of transformation any day now.” They both sit there confused and his mom says, “How do you know this, Blake?”. He says, “Because I have been to outer space with my star family, they took me to a briefing.”

“It’s happening very soon. I am so excited.” His mom says,

“Well, Blake, it sounds very hopeful, but I am a little confused. I guess I am just used to have things are now.”

Blake says, “Everything will make sense, Mom. I know you may not believe it now, but you will In time.”

A few days pass, and Blake wakes up one morning feeling different. He suddenly feels this overwhelming joy, like something amazing just happened. He quickly grabs the Tv remote and turns on the news. The news is reporting certain political people have been arrested, and being charged for crimes against humanity.

Blake reacts by shouting “Oh my god, yes, it’s finally happening”. He can feel the difference in the energy of the earth. The news goes on to say, “Last night a major solar

flash hit the planet and everyone is in a daze”. All of a sudden, Zee appears in his living room, and Blake shakes with excitement.

Zee says, “Yes, Blake, we are here now. This is the moment. In the coming days, everything will improve.”

Blake says, “What’s happening?”. Zee responds, “Well, everyone will take a little getting used to the new frequency of the planet.”

“The mother ships from the federation are surrounding earth and in the skies now.” “This is why everyone is confused.” Blake says, “This is a monumental moment. I can’t believe it.” Zee says, “Nai will give a public briefing in front of the entire planet, informing all humans about what’s taken place.”

Blake continues to watch the news, as commander Nai, speaks on the television. Nai speaks, “To all earth humans, I know many are confused, but that will fade soon. Welcome to the 5th dimension.” “You have shifted into another reality, and are now part of the galactic community, as you should have always been.”

Nai continues, “All darkness has been removed, and the criminals will pay for their acts of crime against

humanity.” “I hope you are all very excited and happy regarding these developments”. He says, “There will now be out and open contact with humans and extraterrestrials”.

“New technology will be shared between humans to improve health and life in general.” He continues,

“Although In the 5th dimension, you will just feel better, that’s what it’s like here.” Zee speaks, “Blake, you can come home to Alpha Centauri if you like. Don’t worry, you will be free to return to Earth anytime. It’s your choice.”

Blake says, “Yes, finally I can go home now. I am so excited Zee, it’s amazing.” Zee says, “You have finally ascended as a light being Blake. You should be proud of yourself.” Blake responds, “I know Zee. Now everyone knows I am not crazy, and that it’s all true.

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