Short Stories Books

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Showing results: 41-50 of 571
The Ghost in the Red Shirt

The Ghost in the Red Shirt

B. M. Bower | Short Stories
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The proper way to begin this story would be to assure the reader, first of all, that I have never believed in ghosts; that is the way ghost-stories usually begin, I think. Also, I should say that what I am about to relate is perfectly true—but I won’t begin it like that. As a matter of fact, I...

King of the Hill

King of the Hill

James Blish | Short Stories
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A madman can be prevented from bomb-throwing—but a mad world?

The First

The First

Edward W. Ludwig | Short Stories
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"Man will need signposts to guide the way to infinity." That's a quotation from—and a description of—this inspiring story

The Man Higher Up

The Man Higher Up

Edwin Balmer and William MacHarg | Short Stories
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This excellent detective scientifiction story is the first of a series to appear in AMAZING STORIES. These romances depict the achievement of Luther Trant, psychological detective.

The Right Thing

The Right Thing

Ray Cummings | Short Stories
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The girl put a lighted kerosene lamp upon the table and served herself with a single plateful of food from the frying-pan. Once she stood still, listening, but only the muffled noise of the brook and the lone wolf baying broke the silence. For a brief instant her glance rested on the telephone...

The Gold Brick

The Gold Brick

Brand Whitlock | Short Stories
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Short stories of American politics

Tales of the clipper ships

Tales of the clipper ships

C. Fox Smith | Short Stories
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Here are retellings of the fanciful fables told by night on clipper ships—exciting yarns, full of the lore, superstitions, and everyday life of sailors at sea.

In the Year Ten Thousand

In the Year Ten Thousand

Will N. Harben | Short Stories
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A. D. 10,000. An old man, more than six hundred years of age, was walking with a boy through a great museum. The people who were moving around them had beautiful forms, and faces which were indescribably refined and spiritual. “Father,” said the boy, “you promised to tell me to-day about the...

Out of the Woods

Out of the Woods

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding | Short Stories
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Elisabeth Sanxay Holding (1889–1955) was an American novelist and short story writer. She primarily authored fiction in the hardboiled subgenre of detective novels.

The Story of Zephyr: A Christmas Story

The Story of Zephyr: A Christmas Story

Jeanie Oliver Davidson Smith | Short Stories
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The Story of Zephyr: A Christmas Story by Jeanie Oliver Davidson Smith